💪Blockchain Operating System (BOS)

NEAR is the Blockchain Operating System

NEAR is the Blockchain Operating System

The Blockchain Operating System (BOS) allows end users to quickly discover the possibilities of Web3 and gives developers the ability to code interfaces in a single environment and then fork components to build faster and more efficiently

Examples of BOS Viewers

In the recent months there has been a proliferation of BOS Viewers

For all the BOS viewers view the BOS directory widget https://bos.gg/#/onboarder.near/widget/BOSDirectory

If you are interested in building your own BOS viewer, join the NEAR Social Developer telegram at https://nearbuilders.com/tg-social

NEAR OS (decentralized apps) The NEAR ecosystem is transitioning from traditional application development (Web/Mobile OS) hosted by centralized entities (CDNs, servers) to a more anti-fragile tech stack where the frontend of an application is hosted on the NEAR chain itself. Depending on their needs, most NEAR applications can be fully hosted on-chain using a tech stack pioneered by two projects in the ecosystem: NEAR Social and Web4. Core concepts include the storing of frontend code on chain and hosting frontends via gateways. Warning: this is a recent initiative and WIP! NEAR Social - https://near.social/ and https://t.me/NearSocial Web4 - https://web4.near.page/ and https://t.me/web4near

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